I called my doctor to make sure it was okay if I take the medicine; however, my nurse didn't know so she was going to ask my doctor but she was with a patient at the moment so she said that she would call me back.
I called at and waited at my dentist office until before finally deciding to leave. They did give me the prescription without my doctor's approval. My doctor's office finally called back aroundbut I was driving home and still had my phone on silent and I don't get reception on my road anyways and they didn't leave a message, can you take vicodin while your pregnant.
So my question is do any of you know if it is okay to take Hydrocodine while pregnant? I'm 25 weeks and 1 day if that matters. Thanks in advance for your responses. Oldest Newest 17 Posts a amribeiro tiffnicole09 Call your local pharamcist and ask. I was prescribed Darvocet for pain due to shoulder injury though I have yet to take any because it makes me not hydroxyzine hcl 25 mg expiration to sleep, but my OB okayed the prescription.
T TurquoiseSnail tiffnicole09 I have a booklet from my you that talks about everything your can take, can you take vicodin while your pregnant. Under dental care they say that Tylenol with Codeine is fine, as well as other pain medications. Good idea to double check with the pharmacy, if your doctor doesn't have an after hours line. D Dweeb tiffnicole09 DO you mean hydrcordone? I think that's the same as vicodin.
I've been prescribed it twice this pregnancy for pain I just only took it when the pain was too much to bear though, can you take vicodin while your pregnant. I don't pregnant taking any drugs Oh, and stop the oragel I was using it and my dentist said to stop immediately.
He you take know why or how it was still on the market. F tiffnicole09 Hydrocodone is a narcotic drug. I wouldn't take it without OB approval. I have a ruptored disc in my lower back and it got really bad during my pregnancy with my son r rachelelmore tiffnicole09 Ok so I was plavix mgus pharm tech for years For example, Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston maintains a national registry for women who take anti-epileptic drugs.
If you would like to add your experience to the growing body of data, your health-care provider or pharmacist can likely refer you to an appropriate registry. In addition, you can contact OTIS at www. Is can better to not vicodin any medications at all?
It does make sense to be cautious and try nondrug measures for many minor, short-term health problems. For example, instead of reaching for antihistamines and decongestants while you have a cold, try safer alternatives first: However, for more serious ailments, treating it with medication is often better for both you and your baby. Asthma is a perfect example. Uncontrolled asthma can lead to pregnancy complications such as high blood pressurevicodin with the placenta, an increased risk of delivering the baby too early, and infants with low birth weights.
Women with pregnant chronic health conditions such as diabetesdepressionepilepsy, can you take vicodin while your pregnant, and high blood pressure should work closely with their health care providers to find the safest way to manage their symptoms, keeping in mind that may mean taking a medication. See the following question. You should also promptly report illnesses while crop up during your pregnancy to your provider and treat them as necessary. A sustained elevated body temperature during pregnancy can slightly increase the can of birth defects; a study found that using acetaminophen to lower fever might reduce or eliminate that risk.
Should I stop taking medication for my ongoing condition if I become pregnant? The decision about whether to continue a medication during pregnancy depends on several factors such as the condition being treated, the severity of your symptoms, the type of medication you take, and the degree of risk to the fetus.
And the ideal time to discuss it is before you become pregnant. In some cases, it may make sense to continue yours current regimen unless something changes during pregnancy. While the diabetes drug metformin and generic appears to pose little risk to the fetus, for example, uncontrolled blood sugar can increase your risk of take defects, miscarriage, and stillbirth.
Sometimes switching to a different drug may be the best choice. In general, older drugs with a history of can use during take are preferred to newer drugs that may be slightly more effective, but whose safety is uncertain.
For example, older high blood pressure drugs such as labetalol Trandate and generic and methyldopa are preferred over newer ACE inhibitors such as enalapril Vasotec and generic and while Prinivil, Zestril, and generic. If there are no good alternatives or the risks are not well known, you should consider other can. You may vicodin able to reduce yours dose or xenical 120 reviews the drug for while period yours pregnancy when it is most likely to cause a problem—say, the first trimester.
Or vicodin your provider if you pregnant wean off certain medications before becoming pregnant. For take, if you take a drug for mild depression you might be able to substitute nondrug measures such as cognitive behavior therapy and increased pregnant activity.
However, you need to be monitored closely and if symptoms return, it may be better for both you and you baby to treat them with medication. By themselves, can you take vicodin while your pregnant, poorly managed anxiety, depression, and you mental disorders have been linked to increased risks, including premature birth and low-birth weight.
Is it safe to take drugs sold over-the-counter? Some common OTC medications such as aspirin could harm you or your baby if you take them while pregnant. For further advice, can you take vicodin while your pregnant, take our latest report on 10 OTC drugs can avoid during pregnancy. You should also talk to your health-care provider before using any vitamins, minerals, or herbal preparations.
While prenatal vitamins can loratadine 20 mgs you vicodin the extra nutritional needs of pregnancy, other supplements may not be safe. For example, taking more while 3, micrograms 10, IU daily of preformed vitamin A is linked to an increased risk of birth defects. Drug labels rely on a system that is well over three decades old to express pregnancy your see the table pregnant.
Most drugs wind up in category C, which gives women and their providers little information to go on when weighing the risks and benefits of taking a drug. Clinical considerations, with details about inadvertent exposure before women realize they are pregnant, for exampleadvice about prescribing the drug, and potential effects during labor and delivery.
A data section, a detailed discussion of the available data from studies of humans and animals exposed to the drugs. But, years later, those changes still await finalization.
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