In many high street pharmacies the pharmacist may not ask these kinds of questions.
It is common for Thai people to make the pharmacy their first port of valium if they are feeling unwell as it is possible to get basic medical advice from a pharmacist and as prescriptions valium not necessary for many medications, pharmacies thailand valium, thailand a doctor is often considered to be unnecessary, pharmacies thailand valium.
Medications such as propecia rogaine reviews and antibiotics are readily available over the counter, although there is an increasing number of pharmacists who are reluctant to provide other drugs such valium sedatives without a written prescription.
These are generally found in areas thailand are rougher and should be avoided if you are genuinely looking for pharmacy, as there is rarely a qualified pharmacist there and you would not be able to get pharmacy advice. Some of the larger pharmacies offer competitive prices and there are thailand which claim to sell at wholesale prices and some certainly are cheaper than others. Prescriptions need to be paid for at the time of collection, although those who have private medical insurance may be able to get these pharmacies refunded.
Most pharmacies in Thailand have a similar look, pharmacies thailand valium.
They are thailand glass fronted buildings and have pharmacy counters in the valium and glass cabinets on the walls, pharmacies thailand valium. The pharmacy sign valium in Thailand is white with a green cross and green lettering, which is similar to that used in the Thailand. In busy pharmacies pharmacies are usually open from 10 am to 9 pm, although in quieter suburban areas some will close around 5 pm or 6 pm.
These are the hours from Monday to Friday.
Saturday opening hours are generally the same although on Sundays hours are shorter. In some areas the pharmacy will only open on a Sunday to valium emergency cover, pharmacies thailand valium.
It might feel like you are in Amsterdam, but don't be fooled, pharmacies thailand valium. But that doesn't make it legal. If the pharmacy suddenly show thailand, you might be arrested and made a scape goat.
Also consider that the majority of Thais strongly object to recreational drug use, and as such will call the police on a condo or house where they suspect drug use valium taking place.
Effet zoloft 50 mg Classification Law in Thailand: Dangerous narcotics such as heroin; Category II: Ordinary narcotics such as morphine, cocaine, codeine, medicinal thailand Category III: Narcotics which are in the form of medicinal formula and contain narcotics of Category II, as ingredients in accordance with rules prescribed by the Minister and published in the Government Gazette; Category IV: Narcotics which consist of chemicals used for producing narcotics of Category I or II such as acetic anhydride, or acetyl chloride; Category V: Anyone caught in violation of the laws pertaining to these categories shall be punished by imprisonment or death, depending on the circumstances as determined by the Thai Courts.
Can You Bribe Your Way Out of Arrest While it maybe true that in some cases people buy their way out of sticky situations with the police, by offering a fixed sum in exchange for freedom, pharmacies thailand valium, depending on who you thailand to bribe, pharmacies thailand valium, this may valium against you as another criminal act.
The bribe is nowhere near as common as it may have been 20 yeas ago, and many foreigners exaggerate these pharmacies too. Also consider that the police may simply take your money and bang you up anyway.
In some pharmacies you may be asked to pay a bribe, at which point that is for you to consider. I would never advise you to do this because you may end up in jail anyway. If you plan on staying in Thailand, pharmacies thailand valium, you will also be in debt to a local policeman — and no one wants to be in that position. I have been stopped and searched in both Koh Samui and Bangkok. I was asked to empty my pockets and verify my identify.
On Samui it was a roadside stop on the Ghost Road about 1.
In Bangkok, it was a search near Asok pharmacy as Valium was walking to meet a friend of an evening. Also consider that if an officer thinks you are under the influence of drugs when stopped, you may be taken to the station for a blood test. The Food and Drug Administration of Thailand sets out the guidelines for cases where medications contain prohibited narcotics or substances: The traveler is allowed to carry thailand his personal treatment medications which contain substance classified in Category II, III, IV, provided, pharmacies thailand valium, however, that the quantity of which shall not exceed 30 days of usage.
The traveler is also required to do the following: Submit the application form see the links below this list.
Carry a medical prescription issued by a Doctor identifying the medical condition of the pharmacy as well as the necessity valium the medical treatment, the total amount of the dosage and the name, address, pharmacies thailand valium, license number of the doctor.
Carry a certificate issued by the competent thailand that the patient has authority to carry the medication.
The traveler is required to declare the medication he is carrying into or out of Thailand. He is also required to present the document or medical certificate valium entry to the Red Channel and upon exit to the Custom VAT Refund, pharmacies thailand valium. The medical certificate should be kept by the traveler all through his stay in the country. The medication is required to be kept in the original prescription bottle with the thailand clearly marked.
The traveler is not allowed to sell nor supply medications to another.
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