Update: The new Alberta Opportunity Stream (AOS) will take effect January 2, 2018 and will replace the Employer-Driven Stream and Strategic Recruitment Stream. Until the new stream takes effect, the AINP will continue to accept applications for both of these existing streams.
0011 0类 立法者 Legislators
0422 0类 中小学校长 School Principals and Administrators of Elementary and Secondary Education
0423 0类 社会、社区和矫正机构经理 Managers in Social, Community and Correctional Services
0432 0类 消防队长和高级消防官员 Fire Chiefs and Senior Firefighting Officers
0651* 0类 性服务业经理,按摩店经理 Escort Agency Managers, Massage Parlour Managers
4031 A类 中学教师 Secondary School Teachers
4032 A类 小学和幼儿园教师 Elementary School and Kindergarten Teachers
4154 A类 宗教专业工作者 Professional Occupations in Religion
5121 A类 作家 Authors and Writers
5133 A类 音乐家和歌唱家 Musicians and Singers
5135 A类 演员和喜剧演员 Actors and Comedians
5136 A类 画家,雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家 Painters, Sculptors and Other Visual Artists
1227 B类 法院工作人员 Court Officers and Justices of the Peace
3223* B类 牙科实验室工作台技工 Dental Laboratory Bench Workers
4214 B类 早教老师和助理(没有取得2-3级早教证书的工作) Early Childhood Educators and Assistants
4216 B类 其他教师 Other Instructors
4217 B类 其他宗教类工作 Other Religious Occupations
5232 B类 其他表演艺术工作者 Other Performers, n.e.c.
5244 B类 工匠和手工工人 Artisans and Craftspersons
5251 B类 运动员 Athletes
6232 B类 房地产中介和销售 Real Estate Agents and Salespersons
4411 C类 小孩保姆 Home Child Care Providers
4412 C类 家庭保姆、管家和相关行业 Home Support Workers, Housekeepers and Related Occupations
4413 C类 中小学助教 Elementary and Secondary School Teacher Assistants
6533 C类 赌场职位 Casino Occupations
6564 C类 其他个人服务从业者 Other Personal Service Occupations
7513 C类 出租车和专车司机 Taxi and Limousine Drivers and Chauffeurs
8442 C类 猎人 Trappers and Hunters
6623 D类 其他销售职业 Other Sales Related Occupations
6722 D类 娱乐和体育业服务人员 Operators and Attendants in Amusement, Recreation and Sport
6742 D类 其他服务支持人员 Other Service Support Occupations, n.e.c.
8611 D类 收割、采摘工人 Harvesting Labourers
8612 D类 绿化和场地维护工人 Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance Labourers
8613 D类 水产捕捞工人 Aquaculture and Marine Harvest Labourers
8614 D类 矿工 Mine Labourers