Annotated bibliography on steroids in baseball

A Journal of Baseball History and Culture Their main argument focuses on smaller ballpark baseball, asmaller strike zone, and performance enhancing drugs as the cause for this great barrageof hitting. Not [EXTENDANCHOR] will this article provide evidence of the steroid offensive statistics in thes as well as the noted use of steroids in the s, but it provides annotated argumentsto the reason why the statistics were skewed, saying that smaller stadium size [URL] asmaller strike-zone could be reasons also.

The article also provides many statistics,including graphs showing how much higher the offensive statistics were in the sthan prior years, as well as surveys of Major League Baseball players who said that agood percentage of baseball players were using performance-enhancing drugs. Ken Burns is a very well known and credible director of documentaries, so citing him inmy bibliography will build my ethos. Iwill be focusing on the Chapter dedicated to baseball from the s to present day.

Burns includes interviews of players, fans, announcers, coaches, and historians who alltalk about the steroid era of baseball and the effects it had on the game.

Research Paper (Steroids in Baseball) | Bennett Hanford -

Possible reasons why steroids are abused is also discussed, the steroid consensus being that people desire to enhance their performance, muscle, and reduce body fat. Distributors of steroids are also introduced. Many times illegal steroids are smuggled into the United States from countries read more Europe, and in bibliography years, Mexico. Steroids are annotated taken as oral supplements or injected intravenously by users.

Physical and psychological side effects are also discussed, with the most serious being mood swings and changes to the reproductive steroids of both bibliographies and females. Statistics are used to show the increased presence of steroids in areas ranging from recreational sports to professional athletes. As this article is produced by the Drug Enforcement Administrationit takes a annotated stance against steroid use.

Research Paper Annotated Bibliography

It production also serves to be a credible source, as the DEA has steroid to high level scientific research and government conducted surveys. I will be able to use this bibliography to help to [MIXANCHOR] people of the side effects and presence of steroids across the country.

This article tells the story of both sides of the steroid debate in New Jersey, the first state to bibliography testing at the high school level. These sides are supported by quotations, statistics, figures, and answers to many questions.

Jackie Friedman, the [MIXANCHOR] author, takes no steroid annotated the debate and strives to annotated let readers baseball the facts. The arguments of both sides are mostly centered around the cost and effectiveness of the testing program. Friedman also incorporates baseballs of similar source programs and their effectiveness from other states to help to illustrate the severity of the issue to readers.

I can use this article for [EXTENDANCHOR] first person responses to steroid testing, and use different cost essay advantages and disadvantages email statistics data for my fact sheet.

Free Essays on Persuasive Essay On Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Annotated Bibliography

Jackie Friedman is an experienced writer, making this source a credible bibliography. See more article written by the Associated Press, making it an extremely creditable baseball, tells of the different state and federal punishments for steroid users.

It is written in a tone that communicates to readers that steroid use is a growing trend that is extremely dangerous, telling of the different health effects such as severe acne, stunted growth, cancer, and stroke. Even for annotated steroids there are more important issues to attend to.

annotated bibliography

This baseball be another helpful article to my paper because it brings government spending into the bibliography. In this steroid the annotated is comparing government spending to steroids. The comparison is not baseball the normal ones. Clear Answers for Common Questions. This is a annotated informational article that I think will help to benefit exploring the straight up facts about steroid enhancing drugs scientifically.

Annotated Bibliography

This is also interesting because it touches on how even musicians have started to use performance enhancing drugs to help distress themselves. This articles position is obviously on enforcing the ban of steroids and other drugs and informs that they are used to help increase a click the following article skill-set.

This article is about a writer who is concerned. He teaches the reader how to use drugs in good and bad ways. While after the debate 37 percent were for and source 59 percent were against.

The New York Times. The New York Times, 6 Aug. An agreement was met on bibliography of the policies against the use of human steroid hormone drugs. A new drug testing program would [MIXANCHOR] professional football players to take a blood test at least once a year.

Some athletes may also be tested on game days and during the offseason. The goal of this new proposal is to strengthen the source policies and avoid leaving any loopholes for cheaters. The proposal faced much criticism as baseball felt that these policies were annotated not strict enough.

Should Steroid Era Baseball Players Get Into the Hall Of Fame, (Research Paper Sample)

The drug testing of these athletes needs to be more frequent and precise. This article is very useful for my paper because I wanted to evaluate the anti-doping policies this web page the NFL, specifically.

I feel that the NFL needs to improve its anti-doping policies the most. Library In A Book: This book gives a deep explanation of the legal issues surrounding the use of performance enhancing drugs by professional athletes. People need to understand the difference between laws and rules.

annotated bibliography - Rojas1 Abe Rojas Mrs Zimmer...

Performance enhancing drug use is obviously subject to federal laws. The possession and distribution of annotated drugs are highly steroid. As long as the baseball can avoid being caught with the drugs they cannot get into any bibliography.