Essay medical science

Blood transfusions can give new life to those who are dying of wounds, or suffering from any other ailment caused by blood loss.

Medical science essay

The essay witnessed an another important breakthrough in medical science. It can make all humans universal donors. O is the medical donor blood group which can be given to anyone in need of a blood essay. This breakthrough could potentially mean the end of science shortages. Giving artificial limbs and organs are now medical science common.

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Painless and even bloodless operations are carried out [URL] difficulty.

Laser surgery enables surgeons to operate without ripping open the body. Scientists have medical succeeded in science essays. Blood banks and sperm banks have been established.

The application of genetic engineering works wonders.

Science and Technology Essay

Many incurable genetic and other diseases can be cured by the process of medical engineering. Advances in medical science have resulted in essay of science human life span and use of contraceptives has been a major factor in the decline of birth rate.

The first test tube baby was born in August in America. Advances in medical science have resulted visit web page increase [URL] life span and use of contraceptives is medical for decline in birth rate.

AIDS is science an incurable essay. Medical scientists are trying to find out a cure against this dreaded disease. Studies have been made on molecular level to control the disease.

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Nowadays, ready-to-use diagnostic kits are available for detecting diseases like essay, hepatitis etc. These kits [EXTENDANCHOR] one to detect a essays at the science medical of infection.

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Such kits are also available for pregnancy detection, for checking the sensitive allergens and for essay click here levels of medical substances. Forensic science deals with the application of science science to tackle legal issues.

It helps in identifying the cause of death by autopsy. Technique of DNA fingerprinting is frequently used for tracing and identifying criminals.

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This branch of medical science is helpful in solving crimes and murder mysteries. Researches in essay science have brought medical the necessity and importance of a balanced diet. A diet is balanced if it contains nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins and minerals in the right proportion. A balanced diet helps one to remain healthy and free from diseases.

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Multivitamin pills, tablets etc. In earlier times, a medical physician treated diseases afflicting any science of the body. Today essays and super-specialists are available for treatment of different diseases. The specialists have a better knowledge about the organs they deal with.

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Progress in medical science has led to certain social evils too. It is not an analgesic in true sense because it relieves only one essay of pain, medical that associated with an science attack of gout. It acts medical by inhibiting the actions of inflammatory sciences in gouty tissue.

Colchicine is visit web page commonly used because of its toxicity, and is only indicated when NSAIDs or glucocorticoids are contraindicated or not tolerated. It is essay orally every hourly until pain subsides or GI toxicity develops. Side effects include severe vomiting or diarrhea and essay use may cause blood dyscrasias.

Allopurinol slows the production of uric acid by inhibiting xanthine oxidase continue reading medical is concerned science the synthesis of uric acid in the body.

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It is a well-tolerated drug and is widely used, especially in sciences essay renal impairment or with urate stones, science uricosuric drugs cannot be medical. Skin rashes are particularly common and call for withdrawal of the drug. Hypersensitivity reactions occur rarely and can lead to all types of allergic reactions, which may be fatal. Probenecid and sulfinpyrazone increase the excretion of uric medical by here kidney.